Wellbeing Courses & E-Books
With most of us living fast-paced lifestyles trying to balance work, family and social lives this can take it’s toll on our mental and physical wellbeing.
- Learning to achieve wellbeing can bring a sense of calm and inner happiness to our lives and help promote the feeling of peace and tranquillity that often times gets lost when we are busy trying to juggle a busy daily schedule.
- If you want to improve your overall life then improving your wellbeing is a good place to start.
- Our content can teach you the key factors for setting healthy boundaries, how to improve your wellbeing, and help you to create healthier and happier relationships with those around you.
Showing 1–12 of 67 results
How To Stop Your Depression Now
USD 38.65Depression is an illness that many people often sweep under a rug. However if depression is left untreated, your life can become a living nightmare. Depression is a growing epidemic in the US, but it never gets the urgent attention it deserves. You need help and you need it now.
The Growth Mindset Video Upgrade Course
USD 42.26Your success starts with a mindset designed for success. Sadly, most people are not wired to have a mindset for success.
In fact, none of us were born to have this mindset.
The Panic Panacea
USD 38.72Discover How To Live In Peace And Harmony In A World Full Of Uncertainty And Dramatically Improve Your Quality Of Life Today!
Enhance Your Energy E-book
USD 36.87This simple guide to meditation for beginners will show you how to be present in the moment to relieve stress and improve your life.
Biohacking Secrets
USD 34.39‘Biohacking Secrets’ is made for those who want to ‘hack’ their mind & body with the use of modern technology to improve their quality of life!
The Art Of Meditation E-book
USD 43.27We live in a very stressful world. Most people have too many duties, responsibilities, distractions and routines taking up their time and attention.
There’s just so much that you have to cram into your mind every single day. It is no surprise that a lot of people develop symptoms of stress.
Beat Information Overload Video Upgrade Workshop
USD 40.76You will greatly benefit from the lessons presented in this 10-part video course and learn everything you need to know about information overload and how to overcome it to clear your mind and move forward.
The Joy Of Imperfection
USD 44.38Too many of us try to pretend to be somebody that we’re not. Maybe we’re trying to impress people. Maybe we’re trying to fool ourselves into thinking that we are completely different people.
The sad part? Too many of us are not aware that this is happening.
The Art of Living In The Moment Video Upgrade
USD 32.48If you are in any way feeling stuck or powerless in your life, there is a solution. You can choose to live in the NOW or The Present Moment.
10 Depression Article Bundle
USD 40.63Do you know someone who has depression? Have you or someone in your family been diagnosed with depression? Even if we are dealing with depression in ourselves or our families, we may not know what it really is. Is it just feeling sad all the time? Why can’t people just snap out of it?
Understanding The Phases Of The Female Body Course
USD 37.00Have you ever wondered why some women suffer from PMS? Or, do you want to know more about postpartum depression?